Probably one of the most anticipated months
for anyone who has gone on the World Race.
That means, for this month, teams are all jumbled, because our men are all together. They will be working with Outpour Ministries in Northern Thailand, and doing whatever it is men do. They have the freedom to burp, fart, explore caves, ride goats (i know, but it’s a manistry tradition apparently), and build into each other’s lives as men of God, sons of God, and warriors for the Kingdom. PRAY FOR THEM this month. They are going to be doing awesome ministry. It’s going to be epic for them and everyone they come in contact with. Our men rock, and it’s amazing to watch them come into their identity as Sons of the Most High.
Second. That means that the rest of the squad, all girls, are split up between Northern and Southern Thailand.
The main purpose and ministry for us women this month is to partner with ministries that are working to end the sex trade and human trafficking in general. Cra. Zy. We will be going into the bars in the Red Light Districts of those two cities, literally buying girls’ time… yes, prostitutes, and taking them out for coffee, speaking life into them, HONORING their time instead of stripping them of their dignity. And the obvious end goals are in mind: salvation and literal freedom from trafficking through our partner organizations.
Our team is the only team to…not… only be doing that. At first, I can say I was a little disappointed, and yes, the words, “not ANOTHER children’s home” came into my brain. Awful, I know, but I’m being honest. Like I said, Thailand Red Light Ministry is a highlight of the Race. But God whispered in my ear, “Darling, did you want to go into the bars to bring freedom to the captives, or to blog about a unique experience?” … Crap. But God did a great work in my heart anddddd…

Pray for safety. We will be going into some of the darkest places on earth. With no male protection. But while we have to be EXTRA smart this month, there is not unnecessary fear, because God is on our side. But pray for our families this month. Our dads. It’s not every dad who has the guts enough to let his little girl go into bars, where girls fly around poles, have rooms upstairs, and will have their families killed if they run away. So yes, pray for OUR dads. But pray for these women and children. If our dad’s are worried about us simply being there, think of their Heavenly Father and how desperate HE is to get them out of this SLAVERY. If you’ve clicked on the links above, you know that we are working with children on the preventative side of trafficking, and women on the rescue side.
Pray, pray, pray.