How in the WORLD do you say thank you to so many people that have made God's work in your life possible?
I have no idea.
I've written the three sentence thank-you cards, and realized they just wont cut it.
I've said thank you. A lot.
But to be honest, I can't say it enough.

Last week in Georgia, God told me to thank my squad for how they've changed my life.
And He moved.

So, in a similar fashion, I want to write a thank you to you: my supporters.

So, thank you.
Thank you for giving up your time to listen to my stories.
Thank you for giving up your money to support God's work.
Thank you for praying for me constantly.
Thank you for all the encouraging facebook messages, emails, and especially blog comments.
Thank you for speaking life into my heart.

Thank you for praying for my little girls in Ecuador, and giving money for Neosporin.
Thank you for praying for the sicknesses in Peru.
Thank you for caring about the orphans in Bolivia, and coming alongside me
as we journey to not live as orphans, but as sons and daughters of God.

Thank you for being prayer warriors during the spiritual warfare in Albania.
Thank you for fasting with us to raise awareness for the gypsy villages in Romania.

Thank you for sending Christmas gifts and prayers in South Africa.
Thank you for paying for two children's education in Mozambique for one year.
Thank you for your encouragement to keep going as I was exhausted in Swaziland.

Thank you for allowing your heart to be broken over the child sex trade in Thailand.
Thank you for encouraging me to surrender in Cambodia.
Thank you for your encouragement in Malaysia as I ended the Race in pain.

Thank you for being in my front yard upon my return.
Thank you for the gifts, flowers, and being God's hands and feet, providing for some physical needs.
Thank you for praying over me.

Every dollar that you gave, every prayer you prayed, every little bit of encouragement…

And I don't say that lightly.

Because of your sacrifice,
I now know my God is a good Dad who loves me.
He gives good gifts to His kids.
He is trustworthy.
His perfect love casts out all fear.
He is worthy of our lives.
So, He's gonna get mine.

For helping me see that serving the Lord is not a sacrifice.
But a privilege.

As you probably know, I'm moving to Georgia in about a month and a half.
In my last blog, God was still working on my heart, and I was only ready to commit to three months.
Now, the plan is to stay with AIM more long term.
At first, I will still be in their Center for Global Action for 6 months,
and will then continue on to other opportunities with AIM.
If you'd like to continue to support me in my journey,
please email me at [email protected]
or call me at (908) 839-9071
