Here are some pictures from our time in Swaziland. I’ll try to make it back online later in the week to post some more! Thanks for all your prayers and support. We’re beginning to feel the Lord’s refreshment and excitement again.
Swazi landscape.
Read the bottom…hilarious.
Me and a cutie.
Jess and Lins working with Beyond The Game, sponsored by the NFL.
Our hammock tree, only the best.
Our house in the evening.
Favorite mode of transport: back of a pick-up truck.
Lins showing the kids everywhere we’ve been and everywhere we’re going in the world.
Oh nothing, just slaughtering a goat.
Our bathrooms. Yuck. It’s always fun to be in the silver ones as someone walks down the road.
Natalie and Busisiwe, one of our friends at the Hope House, who died yesterday from TB and HIV. I don’t think we’ve processed her death yet.
The kids jumping for joy at the arrival of water (see my last blog.)
The fire I built for Team Time… kinda proud 🙂
Playing on the make-shift seesaw with some of the kids… it’s a log between tree branches.
Our hike up the mountain… one of our favorite escapes this month.
The view of Swazi from the top.
And last but not least, the cave paintings we found at the top of the mountain. Seriously insane.
More to come soon!