(just thought that was cute.)
I can’t believe that in 4 days I will get on an overnight train to Bucharest, board a plane, have a layover somewhere cool that I can’t tell you yet, and land in South Africa. I’m moving to Africa for 3 months. That’s still not through my head, haha. But as we’re finishing up here in Europe, I just wanted to share some prayer requests that I thought of this morning while shoveling dirt in the freezing cold… again. (All for a good cause, ya know?)

Goodbye, European Farm Life
1. SLEEP. Sleep on the Race is practically the bane of my existence. I sleep every night with earplugs and an eye mask because I’m such a light sleeper. We’ve been blessed with beds, but the months when we sleep on the floor are really hard. Literally. It’s been such a pain, just being honest. I wish it was a character flaw that I could work on changing, but my body literally just won’t sleep sometimes. Pray that God does some miracle and I learn to sleep on planes, trains, busses, and the floor like every other World Racer, and for that matter on a bed like every other human being. 🙂
2. My body. This is what made me think to do this this morning while shoveling dirt. On our first day of ministry here this month I sprained my ankle and had to stay off of it for a few days. At least we think that’s what happened. I tried to jump over a pile with some tires and… it’s just a long story, haha. I’ve been able to walk and do everything normally, but whenever it’s turned to the side it KILLS. So that’s frustrating because I don’t want it to hinder ministry. Also, and this is actually pretty funny, I…uh… developed tennis elbow… from shoveling and… stirring… giant pots of soup and chili… for a month. I KNOW I KNOW. Ridiculous way to injure yourself. The kitchen. I also got a nasty burn, but it’s healed now. Note to self: Don’t stick your hand in the oven. 🙂

3. Africa. It’s pretty much a team/squad consensus that Africa is going to wreck us. This might sound weird, but we feel like South America and Europe have been times for God to prepare our hearts for the big things He’s going to do in and through us in Africa. We’re SO ready to be there. We’re ready to have our worlds rocked. And The Lion King is in the queue of upcoming movies. Bring it.
4. MALAYSIA. Yes, Malaysia. Our last country is no longer Vietnam. It’s too dangerous, and since during our last month we will be figuring a lot of “coming home” stuff out, and you can’t use the internet in Vietnam for safety reasons, it just won’t work. So, though I was really looking forward to Vietnam, I’m SO pumped to end in Malaysia.
And lastly, here’s a video I put together. I’m hoping when I get more time more videos about Bolivia and Europe will be coming (sorry, a little behind!)