The Enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy.
Will you joing me in saying, "Oh Hell No!" to him and his schemes?

I feel stuck.
I feel like I should have it all together by now.
You know?

I've traveled the world and learned to trust God.
I've seen his protection in the Red Light Districts.
I've seen his hand over starving nations in Africa.

I've NO reason to doubt his love!
NO reason to fear!

Cause as we all know,

But I DO fear.
And it makes me mad.

. . .

I let the Enemy steal my confidence.
I let him take my joy.

I don't have the gumption to take it back.

I play the victim.

Since when does the Enemy have permission to dictate my story?
I declare: NEVER.

My God is in charge.

And I am the leading lady of my own story, for Christ's sake.
No really, for His sake.


And when fear comes.
When comparison comes.
When doubt comes.

I say to the Enemy,

"Hell, you have no business here!"
"Hell, NO you do NOT get to write the story of my life!"

I will NOT live in fear.

And I take back what the Enemy has stolen.

What is it in your life that the Enemy has taken?
Will you continue to live as a victim?
Or will you fight?

Will you realize that you have the power to take back what the enemy has stolen?

Will you DO it?

And will you say, HELL NO! For Christ's sake?

'Cause remember:

Live like it.