Zephaniah 3:17

 The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a warrior who gives victory;
he will rejoice over you with gladness,
he will quiet you with his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

I don’t understand that. Yeah that. The verse I just copied and pasted above.

God, will rejoice, over me? with gladness?


I remember thinking this summer, as I laid on the beach listening to my iPod,

 about this very thing. You see, many times in my life, Yahweh has deemed it

 good and profitable (and rightly so) to allow trials in my life, so that I may

 treasure Him more. That is much of how He interacts with His sheep. He is a

 jealous God, and a loving God, who loves us so much that He wants us to find

 fullness in Him alone. This is a difficult and yet wonderful truth. It leaves us to

 conclude that He Himself IS the blessing. And He is indeed enough.

I’m not about to go back on what I just said, but sometimes I wonder if I am

 missing something. I think I “get” what a lot of the American church doesn’t –

 that the gospel is not about prosperity and personal fulfillment, but about the

 glory of God. But I think they may “get” something that I have no clue about :

 that God takes pleasure in the good of His people. Now, I would still say that

 that “good” includes suffering. But God delights in us as His children, and

 knows how to give good gifts.

Now, God Himself : He’s enough. 

He is MORE than sufficient to provide

 my ultimate happiness, joy,

 fulfillment, and satisfaction. He alone

 is to be treasured. He is THE good

 gift. But here are some tangible

 examples of how He has given me 

a little bit extra lately, something

 I’m not really used to.

1. Since my last blog, I 

have gone from 40% to 63% 

in my support totals. That is a total of

 $3,565 that has been pledged or donated.

 WHAT?!?! (and 10% of that has been 

just today.) You, my friends, are being an

 incredible tangible example of the love of

 God in my life. Thank you.

2. Noctiluca Scintillans. 

On my birthday, I was at the beach in

 snow with wonderful friends on 

Long Beach Island. It was so beautiful.

 There were so many stars! As we walked

 back from the water, my friend Mike

stepped in the sand, and saw it glow just

 like the stars in the sky around his foot.

Freaking out, he told us to do the same.

 We all started jumping and stomping and

 giggling. It was the most fantastic,

 amazing, mind-blowing thing I have ever

 seen. It was too dark to get it on film, so

 here is my very fake, very poorly done

 version of what we saw, so you can get a

 visual picture:

Um. hello? awesome.

It was a completely wonderful

[completely unnecessary]

blessing from the Lord.

A showcase of His beauty that we had

 never experienced before.

Honestly, we sorta thought we made a

 scientific discovery. But after some

 research, we found out this phenomenon

 was called Noctiluca Scintillans, and it

 was a type of microscopic, glow in the

 dark, firefly-like plankton.

Yeah, you heard me. Firefly plankton.

So, thanks Lord. for blessing me when I don’t deserve it.

 Sometimes I don’t know why, but you delight in doing 

me good, whatever that looks like.