Amidst all that we’ve seen, there is so much HOPE, and God is SO good.
Our other female squadmates are in the bars tonight, taking prostitutes out for soda and a talk, honoring their time and presenting the gospel. If you want to hear the beginning of their story, click here to read my teammate Natalie’s blog called “Dating Prostitutes” : After a day of ministry, we opted for a night out, before spending time interceding on their behalf.
After our “night out”… (on Month 9 of the World Race, in Thailand, that means driving to 7-11 in the back of a pickup truck and buying chocolate and breakfast food so we don’t have to eat rice and ketchup in the mornings), our team decided to have a worship night on the porch outside our bedroom, where we sleep with a ton of lovely little girls.
After we began, one little girl, we’ll call her Rebecca (10 years old?), made her way around to each of us, praying over us. It was the sweetest thing in the world. Since she prayed in Thai, none of us have any idea what was said over us. She would hold our faces or bury her head in our arms and pray. And then, we would get to pray over her. She kept saying “God loves you.”
We would answer, “God loves you too!”
Rebecca: “God loves you three!” and so on, until 8.
So, in case you weren’t aware, God loves you 8.
After that, she wanted to be tucked in, so I brought her to bed and we snuggled a little, teddy bear in tow, until she drifted off to sleep.
When I came back outside, the rest of my team each had a little girl, and they were all worshipping and slow dancing and praying.
It was precious.
And our prayers went something like this,
“Daddy we just thank you that you ARE a good Dad, who loves us and pursues our hearts. I just thank you that you love this little girl so much, that you saved her from danger. That you saved her from rape. That you saved her life. Thank you for reminding us of your love for us through these girls tonight. Daddy, thank you for doing that for all of us. For pursuing us and loving us just as much. Be with our sisters in the bars and brothels tonight. Let them live as your grateful, saved daughters, showcasing freedom to these women. Pursue them as you have pursued these little girls. Be the good Daddy that you are, and rescue your daughters. Jesus, you have anointed us with Your Spirit, to bring freedom to the captives and to break every yoke. So we ask that you do that tonight, and you allow us to be the answer to our own prayers and proclaim your freedom. Thank you Lord, for being a good and loving Daddy. Amen.”
Tonight was special, amen?