Dearest M, N, O, & P Squads,

I had no idea that a group of 240 peers could grab ahold of my heart so quickly and fiercely. I'm not a coach or squad leader, not even a trainer. I'm just the girl who got to watch you closely through the lens of a camera this past week. But I fell a little bit in love.

I got to focus in on faces, but through the lens I saw hearts.

I tried a bunch of different camera angles, but I learned to see from Jesus' perspective.

I spent hours going through thousands of pictures, but I got to relive how God showed up.

I'd be praying as I was taking your pictures – in worship or sessions, during meals or meetings, throughout team formations, during squad wars, etc. Praying that I would be able to see what Jesus was seeing.

So enough about me – let me tell you what Jesus saw and what He thinks of you!

JESUS IS SO PROUD OF YOU. Your Daddy is looking on y'all with love and laughter. Have you ever seen a guy jump up and down, with one hand cupped over his mouth, then do that little throw-their-head-to-the-side while they frat snap with their opposite hand and say something like "oh SNAP!" (Odd analogy for God, but you see where I'm going, right?!) Your Father is so excited for you all – that you've said YES to this journey. That you've said YES to all that He has for you! He has such good things in store for His precious children, and they're only just beginning to be unleashed.

Some nights at worship I couldn't see through my camera lens because the tears were clouding my eyes. I'd be trying to get that perfect shot – where one of my fellow staff/alumni had their hands on your head or your cheeks, praying over you and speaking life into you, and I could literally see the Holy Spirit all over the moment. Like, "Oh my gosh, this is it! This is their moment!" It was only a year and a half ago that I had my first of those "moments" – where God began the process of freedom. And let me speak from experience – you letting the tears fall lets the pain and baggage flow right out of your heart. It empties that space, previously filled with hurt and bitterness, and creates an opening that Jesus can fill. And fill it He does!

Y'all, confession. I've been facebook stalking you. Admittedly, because of all the picture tag requests I get (I woke up this morning with 200, ya bunch of crazies!). But I've read your blogs, your facebook statuses, your wall posts.

The change you feel is real.
The freedom you've experienced is real.
The God you've experienced is REAL.

And He loves you desperately. He's pursued all your hearts. I've interviewed some of you, and I can tell you that Jesus is writing an epic story for all your lives, and I got to see how He's been writing for a very long time now! But let me remind you that the World Race is not the climax of your story. It's just one part. One really awesome, really hard, really sucky at times, really worth it, really exciting part. So, embrace the story. Let Him write. Don't be a victim, be a hero. Enjoy the chapter you're in. And anticipate each page. He's got such good things in store for you. Expect it.

Women: You are precious. You are loved. You are captivating. You are enough. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worth fighting for. Your love and nurture will change children's lives. Your passion and drive will reveal a God worth following to the Nations. Your living in your identities as daughters will display a freedom from the bounded set to a world so desperately in need of the gospel. Daddy is fighting for you – you need only to be still.

Men: You are warriors. You're ahead of the game. You've risen up to lead this generation. Do not listen to any lies of the enemy that you can settle. You bear the image of Christ. The nations need fighting for, and you are equipped. You are free. You are strong. You are sons. Your Dad is incredibly proud of you, and now it's time for Him to show you off to the nations. Walk in that.

Seriously, I'm so proud of you guys. It was an honor to be your designated creeper for 8 days. I'm praying for you all, and you better believe I'll be creepin' on ya for 13 more months at least!

There's an army rising up: M, N, O, & P Squads!

Love: Stephanie Bernotas

 W Squad, Training Camp: May 2011.