Debrief, Part 2


11 countries. 11 months.

ELEVEN. Weird number. Except for the World Race and the occasional jersey number, the only other reason it’s significant is the ever so popular glance at the watch followed by, “It’s 11:11, make a wish!”
So how did crazy World Racers celebrate our favorite number?

Morning: 2.5 hours, worshipping and speaking life over and into each other.
Afternoon: 2 hours, voluntary, unplanned speaking life and feedback within our team.
Late Afternoon: 2.5 hours, Team debrief, hearing life spoken over each other to AIM staff.
Night: 4 hours, Brothers and sisters in the kitchen of our hostel, speaking life, declaring truth over our prisons and lies, calling each other into greatness and ringing in 11/11/11 by doing nothing more than taking a picture of Jeff’s watch and getting back into what is now normal life for us.

That’s 11 HOURS. And we didn’t even mean to 🙂

To catch you up, here is a World Race vocab lesson:

Speaking Life: Speaking truth to a person, thoughtful encouragement, such as, “You are a daughter of God, you are unique, and you have a role on this team.”
Feedback: Daily conversations, speaking life, and calling each other out and up into greatness.
Calling each other out and up into greatness: Loving people where they’re at, but not letting them stay there. Speaking into existence that which may not be currently true about them. Corporately believing truth to call someone into being who God has created them to be.
Prisons and lies: Prisons such as fear, rejection, comparison, excuses, etc. Lies that Satan, our past, or others have told us, destroying our worth, adequacy, and identity in Christ.

HOW COOL?! I love that this is normal life. (Check out the book Culture of Honor if this kind of culture attracts you.)
So. What’s so great about 11? I’ll steal it from another racer, Emily Tuttle’s blog:

At training camp we talked a lot about the number 11. To most people, this number might seem random. Why 11 countries in 11 months? Why not just press on and make a whole year out of it? Go big or go home, right? Wrong. 

We learned that the number 11 is very significant. Adventures in Missions didn’t just roll a pair of dice, add up the numbers, and deploy their teams for that many months. The number 11 matters.

Eleven is said to be the number of transition. When I first heard that I wasn’t too excited. Transition…that’s code for change, right? If you know me, you know I’ve never liked change. I like to know what’s coming, or better yet to plan it. So the life phase I’m in isn’t ideal-I’m 23 years old, I just graduated from college, I have an idea of what I want to accomplish with my life but I couldn’t tell you the specifics of how I plan to get there, I’m geographically separated from the vast majority of my friends, I don’t have a real job, and I’m as not tied down as a person could be. I am in a time of transition. So at a time in life where most people are seeking to put down roots, find a safe port in the storm, and get off the merry-go-round of change, why am I voluntarily signing up to be a nomad for 11 months? Why am I joining a ministry that, at its core, emphasizes transition?

As training camp continued and I thought about this idea of transition and my aversion to change, I realized that the two words are not really synonyms. Change simply means moving away from the current state of things. Transition, however, implies a move toward something new. Change might mean leaving behind the people I love, the culture I am comfortable in, and the things that define and motivate me, but transition means moving toward new people to bond with, new cultures to understand, and new purpose to direct my life. I could easily run from transition and find something-anything-that is stable and consistent. But then I wouldn’t learn and grow. Then I wouldn’t move toward the life that God has for me and the purpose to which He has called me. 

That is a big part of what the World Race is about. We are going to 11 countries in 11 months in the year 2011. We are embracing transition and all the ambiguity, uncertainty, and discomfort that comes with it because we believe that the life and the calling that we are transitioning to are worth it. We also believe that if we step out in faith and open ourselves up to transition, God will provide for us and give us a direction in which to move. At our squad campout during training, one of my squadmates read Psalm 111, and it struck a chord with our squad in relation to this year of transition that we are entering into…

 PSALM 111

Praise the LORD.

I will extol the LORD with all my heart in the council of the upright and in the assembly.

Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are his deeds, and his righteousness endures forever. 

He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate.

He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.

He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations.

The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.

They are established forever and ever, enacted in faithfulness and uprightness. 

He provided redemption for his people; he ordained his covenant forever-holy and awesome is his name.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

We may not always know where we are going, what we are doing, or sometimes even why we are doing it, but if we act in faith, seek God’s will, and allow ourselves to go through this transition, God will be faithful to provide for us. He will direct our steps and guide us toward the life to which He called us. He is constant, trustworthy, and faithful.

2011. 11 countries. 11 months. Bring on the transition.

The World Race challenged us to say in 11 words what God is doing in the nations. So here goes:


okay, okay, so I had to throw in a couple contractions. but did you hear me!? I’m gonna go a little world racer on you… picture me on a chair, yelling this, and declaring that which may not be yet fully in existence to be TRUTH.




And with that, I will thank God for 11 hours of life today. And I will say BOOYAH to what God’s up to. And I will close my laptop because it’s 2:20am and I am in Bucharest, Romania. Love. you. ALL.