8 months ago I began a journey in prayer. A friend told me about a mission trip called world race. I was completely engaged with the conversation and what she was telling me. That night I began to pray that God would open doors and provide opportunities to allow me to participate in this amazing adventure. And so I prayed daily… weekly…monthly…and I waited…patiently. For those of you who don’t know The World Race is a program headed by Adventures in Missions. It’s a journey to 11 countries in 11 months to serve “the least of these.” The World Race calls Christians out of their comfort zones, and provides the opportunity to serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities. We will preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are victims of human trafficking and bring the restorative hope of the Father’s love to many people in other nations. The route I have chosen leaves September 2015 and my squad will be traveling to:Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. For the duration of my trip I will be hiking in each country with what I can carry in a backpack.

On thanksgiving 2014 all of my family was together reminiscing, talking about memories and future plans. My uncle asked me about my mission trip to Ecuador last summer, which opened the conversation to talk about my interest in World Race. He was intrigued and began to ask questions. Questions I didn’t know answers to. So I began to do some research. I had no prior knowledge about World Race before this conversation. I began browsing, and I was soon enthralled with videos, blog posts, and basic information on the World Race. I spent the next few weeks praying, seeking, and fasting more than I ever had before. At this point I was convinced, this was something the Lord was leading me to. It began to consume my thoughts. I would dream about the amazing places I would visit and the people I would meet. I could not mentally prepare for what life would be like on the race. After 8 months of prayerfully seeking God’s will, I decided to apply. Shortly after some weeks and more prayers, I paid the application fee, and proceeded with a four hour online interview. I told God “alright Lord, if this is your will; then I will get accepted. I’ve done all I can do at this point. I will quit my job, sell my things, and leave behind my church, family, friends, and all the comforts I’ve ever known.” I battled with the idea of leaving my comfy, familiar life. I truthfully decided sometimes it would be easier to not get accepted. The heartache would be less painful. Then I kept coming back to this verse in Matthew 19:21 “If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.” If that wasn’t convicting enough, Luke summed it up in Luke 14:25-27 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own mother, father, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes even his own life; he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” I feel that God is calling me to be the hands and feet of Jesus and I have every intention of fulfilling that call. God’s Kingdom multiplies when His children obey Jesus’ command to “Go and make disciples”, to pour themselves out to others. God is calling me to empty me of myself just as Jesus emptied Himself for us.

                Needless to say God has been working on my heart. I continued to pray, seek, and cry. Lots of crying. I prayed for clarity, discernment, wisdom, and open doors. And I waited… On January 9th I got the phone call that may of forever changed my life. I was accepted. My race began a long time ago on this journey of prayer and trusting God. Even when I have no guarantees, lots of uncertainties and many fears, I’m reminded; do not fear for I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. He is my stronghold. He is my refuge, my very present helper in times of trouble. I am nervous, excited, anxious, and scared all at the same time. I don’t know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future. Through this journey I realized more than ever God is in control. He wants what is best for me, and I am on HIS time. Good things happen to those who wait. Patiently. However; while I wait, I will serve, I’ll keep praying, seeking and finding the Lord is good and he works all things together for the good of those who love him, those who are called according to his purpose. As I began this journey I was reminded of Luke 12:48 “much will be required of those who have been given much, and even more will be expected of the one who has been entrusted with more.”

                This is not going to be an easy road. I fully anticipate obstacles, doubts, and frustrations that will deter me. But my bible tells me, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. This new life will bring many changes but also amazing experiences. I know the Lord is leading me and guiding my steps. As I recklessly abandon my life and the American dream I am reminded I am right in the center of God’s will, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be. Although I leave behind my friends, family, and belongings, I am excited to make new memories. Memories I hope to come back and share, and cherish for a lifetime. God has given me an amazing life but he promises life more abundantly.

                Through this next season of my life God will challenge me, stretch my abilities and resources, strengthen my faith, and use me, to be all that he has called me to be. He is already doing those things. This will be a time of growing, pruning, and trusting him more than ever.

I will miss celebrating some special occasions in the US during this trip: a birthday, other birthdays, thanksgiving, Christmas, New years, my mother’s wedding, other weddings, births, perhaps deaths, graduation, and all the familiar things we celebrate. As you celebrate these occasions and perhaps I cross your mind, I ask that you would say a little prayer, maybe send an email of encouragement, and smile. I will be thinking of you always, you hold a special place in my heart. Although a year is not a very long time, I imagine at times it will feel like an eternity. I don’t know where this season of life will take me, however; I do know he who starts a work is faithful to complete it.

As you can imagine there will be many challenges to face such as; living in new cultures, language barriers, harsh climates, illnesses and much more but the biggest challenge is raising the required funds. The cost of the trip is $16,257 which covers oversea medical insurance, travel, lodge, and food. I have high hopes that you will join me as I embark on this amazing journey. I pray that whether you choose to financially or prayerfully support me that God will bless you for your willingness help. You can follow my blog and you can click the link “follow me”, there you can add your phone number to get text alerts or your email address to get updates on where I am, what I am doing, how you can pray for me. There you will be able to follow along with me as I travel the world. There is also a support me tab on the blog page.

God Bless you!

In His Service,
