Becca Billings                                                                                              Church down the road
Blair Brendle hand washing her clothes                                           The stairs to our cozy loft that the 8 of us slept (grandma’s attic)
 room for some on the beds and others on the floor!                                  (front to back: erica, me, becca)
                      village of viile tecii                                                            me and becca on top of the hill looking down at the village 
where we ate all of our meals together outside             Ashley Harris & Kara Frate cutting up onions and peppers for Mexican nite
                        the outhouse                                                                      me playing with Holden (John & Tootsie’s son)
    worship at the church (Hollis, Darci & Bekah)                                         me and Tootsie (ministry contact)
     John & Tootsie took us GWs out for lunch for serving them this month!  – Romanian food !! mMmMM!!
   Bekah Kraft making doughnuts from scratch!!

   Miles and I joined in the doughnut making fun!!

 Renee broke her foot so this was me taking her to the emergency room. She appears happy but was really in quite a lot of pain.

Check out my friend Di’s video that she made about our month of ministry together in Viile Teccii, Romania. ENJOY!!