“…we don’t see God doing impossible things through us. We limit ourselves to the probable because we avoid even asking God what impossible things He wants us to attempt… We lack faith, so that when God suggests the impossible, we look only to our own resources. We think, ‘…I sure don’t have what it takes to do that!’ But we forget who does. We don’t even stop long enough to stop and see HE is already working… I challenge you to ask God to stir your own heart, to give you a vision for what HE wants to do IN you and THROUGH you for His Kingdom. If you want to do the impossible, ask God what impossible thing He would like for you to do.” -David Stephens, long term missionary to Kenya
I have been exhausted and agitated this week. It all just seems so impossible. I have sat back and allowed myself to be overwhelmed by looking only at my resources and inabilities, allowing the enemy to whisper in my ears that I’m a failure and I should give up now and forget this whole thing, that there is no way I would make it and I’m really not cut out for what lies ahead. I have sat and listened as my acceptance, security and worth were torn apart too tired to pick up the Sword and fight, instead giving in and giving up – wasn’t I just celebrating victory last week?? Everytime I look at that account balance I have allowed myself to be flooded with fear – did I lay that down at the cross a few weeks back?? I have let myself believe that I am a disappointment, not really all that important and crazy for even starting this. I haven’t “chosen in” to this process this week and I apologize, no, I repent.
So with that said…the part I hate…
Account Balance $1,135
Pledges $ 730
Total $ 1,865
Basically I need $7,200 more in my account by December 21st or I cannot leave with my squad. I want to appear non-chalant about it all and say, “Well if that happens it’s just not meant for me to go” but truthfully I think that’s not true. This is where I am supposed to be… I promise I would not have allowed that nurse to stick me with those needles this morning if I didn’t really believe it.
This isn’t for me. It’s for the Kingdom of God, but I can’t go unless I am sent. I know many of you would love to be able to do missions work but because of where you are in life cannot up and move to a 3rd world country, I am blessed in that I am able to do that. I recognize that it is a privilege to be able to serve and I do not take lightly your investment.
I am honestly pleading for you to prayerfully consider what you can give. And if anyone hasn’t thought about it… my birthday is this weekend and while I generally don’t make big deals out of that you could always consider it a birthday present (yes that was a shameful plug…) 😀
When you sponsor a child it not only provides a hot meal, clean water, discipleship, and basic medical care for the child, it also supports their family by inviting them through the gates of the CarePoint to receive training, discipleship and mentorship.
Consider linking arms with us to impact children, families, and communities in Eswatini, South Asia, or Guatemala!
Explore Italy in 2024! Are you ready for a life-changing experience? 🌟
Immerse yourself in the rich culture, history, and beauty of Italy. Make a positive impact through service and community engagement. Challenge yourself, grow spiritually, and develop leadership skills. Forge lifelong friendships with like-minded adventurers. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore Italy like never before!
Three months in Italy… say less!
World Race Study Abroad 2024
The ultimate semester abroad in Italy – explore ancient history, vibrant culture, and deepen your faith. Join us for a journey that will equip you to impact the world, while earning college credit.
Embark on a Life-Changing Journey with The World Race: Gap Year!
Discover, Serve, and Grow – Join a Global Community of Change-Makers!
Explore diverse cultures, make a lasting impact, and deepen your faith on The World Race. Our global missions program is your chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a world of transformation. Join us on this extraordinary journey of service and self-discovery.