I gravitate towards things that are real!

This year, I want to be an open book – to the world, to my readers, to my team, to God and to myself. I want to reveal what’s inside.

Our gift to the world lies under the pretty wrapping. We are not meant to remain all wrapped up, pretty and proper with bows on our heads. We are meant to be unwrapped – the good, the bad and the ugly. Just like a wrapped present is useless, so is an unopened book. The potential and opportunities that lie inside are unlimited. But what good is potential if it is not acted on and opportunities if not seized. We can’t live our lives in anticipation of what’s inside, but our lives come alive when we open up and share ourselves with the world.

This next year is a Spiritual Pilgrimage. I want to be real with you as I get real and intimate with myself and the Lord. I do not want to hide behind a façade that says “Everything is hunky-dory, all the time, day after day…” because it won’t be. I pray that I will daily open myself up to what God is teaching me and that I will be a true reflection of what He is doing in me. I do not want to be a plastic doll with a painted face. What good will that do anyone?

I want to share a practical story-line with you…a dress rehearsal for next year if you will. Around Christmas-time, my family always takes lots of pictures as I am sure many of you do. Normally, we end up deleting the “bad” ones and keep the “good” ones. Ironically, the “bad” ones can be a more accurate reflection of our current emotions than the “good”, posed pictures. That smile may last for the count of “one, two, three, say cheese” and then dissolve. So, I want to show you some of my “bad” ones… All of these pictures were taken within an hour of each other.  Enjoy the “behind the scenes” look at my photo shoot…


I want to share it all with you: the frustration, confusion, stupidity, joys, concern, etc.!  Above all I want to be real.  I pray that each of us would open ourselves up, practice humility in the face of rejection and experience the Lord’s miraculous touch. I pray that as I become more transparent – God’s love, strength, power, grace and truth become more apparent. As I become more transparent – the souls, spirit and reality of the poor, fatherless, widow, prisoner and alien becomes more apparent. As we open this book together and begin to turn the pages, the story comes alive and the characters become our friends…