Just a quick update to say that in a few hours, we’ll be boarding a plane from Vienna, Austria, where we had our final debrief, to Frankfurt, Germany.  After a layover there, we’ll finally be touching down on US soil in the evening (Monday, 11/24).  It’s still weird to be saying final goodbyes instead of “see you next month at debrief” or “so where’s your team headed next month?”  I’ll continue to blog once I’m home, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has been following me on this journey.  All your encouragement, comments, prayers, and thoughts have been appreciated.. More later, when I’m not delirious from lack of sleep, preparing for my final “travel day” and have the chance to reflect more.  Right now my mind and my emotions are still all over the place.  Very bittersweet to part ways from one family to go home to another.  I feel ready for some rest and loving on my family, but in many ways, constant travel and changes have become familiar this year, and I had 51 others to do it with..
H Squad would still appreciate continued prayers as we transition from one season to the next… embracing new opportunities, giving adequate time to mourn the end of this season, and waiting on the Lord for what’s next.  Please pray for our hearts as we head home to our loved ones… that we’d have the words to share about our year.. that we won’t let doubt, fear or confusion replace the certainties that we’ve seen, learned, and experienced firsthand.. Also, just for some good solid rest for the body, and understanding from those who wanna hear everything while we may just need to crawl under the covers for some time..