Sometimes on The World Race you come across a country that you end up comparing every single month to afterwards. Cambodia has been mine for a very long time. I would walk out of a country and say 'That place was cool but I still liked Cambodia better.

And then we came to Ukraine, at first I wasn't not excited about it because for some reason the word preaching in churches comes up and I freak out. 

Sometimes God surprises me with shifting my attitude in one day. Actually our team started each day off with a devo and worship. That might have something to do with it, but the first thing we did for ministry was holding Abandon Babies and my heart melted. As the month went on I never noticed how much I was falling in love with Uzhgorod. Not only that but all people we made friends with quickly became family. I can't help but say that Cambodia is no longer at the top of my list. 

To understand a little better as to what went on during the month I made a video. 
