While doing my devotions tonight it had me read the crucifixion of Christ and it got me thinking of something David Platt said. At servant life this year David Platt was the speaking he was speaking about sharing the gospel.  He explained God's love for us in a way that was so simple to understand and easy. 

Ok so I don't remember word for word what he said but the one thing that stuck in my head was God loved us enough to come down and be made into a human to be spit on, rejected, hit, mocked and hung on a cross. To prove his Great love…..WOW

 When I read Matthew 26:67&68 Then they spit in Jesus' face and hit him with their fists. And some slapped him, saying "prophesy to us, you Messiah! Who hit you that time"

 I can't help but think why??? this is THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE he could rock your whole world, crush your complete existence, and you just slapped him and spit in his face? 

But at the same time….. Don't We/I kinda do that everyday??? I'm mean sure he's not standing right in front of me….. But we/I spit in Jesus' face pretty much everyday without fully realizing the magintude of what I just did until its too late? Do we/I even care that we/I just spat in the "most important thing" in my life's face? If so is God really that important to us/me? 

When I read these things I can't help but evaluate my life and the way I act, think, and What I say. Am I really doing everything in my power to bring glory to God in my life? Sometimes I can honestly say no.

So I'm gonna ask anybody who reads this take time to evaluate your relationship with Christ. Because he did something major for us….. And half the time I don't think we understand exactly what he went through. 

His own people betrayed him………

And then on top of that God put all of the wrath that was supposed to be on us. God placed all of our sins on Jesus. And poured out his wrath on Jesus who once again didn't deserve being treated so badly. Jesus took on Gods wrath for all of the sins in the world before then, at that time, now, and still to come. 

If that's not love….. Then I don't know that is…..