Alright so as most of you know today is the first day my launch. And to be really honest with you all I'm kinda freaking out. 

Not because I'm going to some place where I don't know anybody or I can't speak the language. It's because I have to do something that I have never had to do in my life and that is saying goodbye.

Sure it's not goodbye forever.

It's only 11 months…….. but that's a long time to be away from home, away from everything you know, away from being able to talk to whoever you want to whenever you want to. 

BUT isn't that exactly what we are called to do any ways?

Leave everything we know to follow the One that matters?

Follow to the degree that it looks like we hate our loved ones?

The only difference here is that I get to say goodbye (see ya later) and I get to come back home.

That doesn't mean that I will enjoy being back when I get back. That doesn't mean that my heart won't be somewhere else. 

I don't know the plan God has for my life. I just know that I have to leave everything I know and love so that I can learn how to Draw closer to God and have him as my true and holy pure love. And that I will be perfectly fine with whatever life throws at me because God has it all worked out already. 

That's what this is all about God doing whatever he wants in my life, so that I can live the free, pure, extremely loving, extremely forgiving life that I was created for. 

Always loving, always caring, sacrifice whatever I have to give to someone who needs it more than I. 

Learning that it's absolutely ok when things go completely and totally wrong with whatever was planned.

It's gonna be a wild ride on this crazy adventure that I never would have thought that I was be so lucky to be on. 

This thing was supposed to be about having a hard time leaving and saying goodbye. But personally I feel like this is a good reminder of why I am who I am and why I serve who I serve. Christ Is the only reason I wake up every morning and go to bed at night. He's my Savior, Redeemer, Friend, and Love of my life. Nobody can give me 100% of the love I need. Except for the one who made me and knows exactly how I am to be loved. 

So in the next three days I will say two of the hardest goodbyes (see you later), start living with a my team, and take my first flight on an airplane, leaving this time zone, to a place I once dreaded going to, but am now ready to see everything that God has in store for me because I need it……. 

Please keep me and my team and squad and parents and their parents in your prayers because this is not going to be that easiest thing in the world to do. It's gonna be hard and it's gonna suck (sometimes) but it will be everything that God needs to happen for me to take the next step toward a deeper relationship with him.

So it starts……..