So I thought this blog was only going to be an update because I didn’t feel like I had any pearls of wisdom to offer, but God has been teaching me something pretty spectacular.
It all started last Saturday when we went to T.G.I. Friday’s to celebrate a teammate’s birthday. We were all excited about an American feast, until later that night when three of us had stomach issues from the food, myself included. Mine wasn’t too sever, but it was bad enough that I didn’t go to church. By that afternoon I felt better, just really weak. I went to the dumps on Monday and went about the day, but was not able to take part in the Soccer ministry that day. A little disheartening, but I can sacrifice one day to get better right…?
Well…? Things went a little differently…
Tuesday I was up and running. Feeling grateful that my illness only took me out of my ministry and service for a few days I got right back into my routine and was glad to get back to the school to start helping again. Wednesday night was youth group which was so much fun. My teammate, Janina, has been helping me get over the fear of playing the guitar in front of people, basically by forcing me to do it anyways. While we were hanging out with the kids, she brought the guitar over to me, and the tab book and said we are playing this song for the kids. After running through it a couple of times, I felt prepared enough. After we gave our sermon, we finished with our song. I got up on stage with Janina and the rest of our choir, and before I knew it, the drummer, base guitar, and keyboard were up there too all playing behind me. Of course I messed up, but picked right back up and continued the rest of the s
ong. It was a very different experience for me and was a lot fun. Maybe I can do this whole guitar thing. What another great way I can minister!!!
Alas, there was this little cold that my teammates have passed around like money when the nation isn’t in a financial crisis. And yes…I got sick. It hit me hard on Saturday, our day off, and the day a couple of teammates and I planned to go to Taal Volcano. But I thought, I’m tough, I can make it through and enjoy the day. Well I made it through, but after an hour and a half bus ride, thirty minute tricycle ride, a boat ride, a hike up the side of the volcano, and then do it all over again on the return trip, only to get stuck in hot smelly traffic, all while sneezing and feeling like your head was going to explode, it turned out to not be the most enjoyable trip. I’m glad I went, but Sunday God was pretty firm with me when he said you need to rest!!! I slept for 12 and a half hours on Saturday night, didn’t go to church and am still about to cough up a lung today.