So I know today is supposed to be Photo Friday, but I read this story and it broke my heart and wanted to share it today.  This is from one of my spiritual fathers, Gary Black.  He was recently in Russia.  Photo Friday will return next week! 

This week, I met with “Masha,” a bright
young lady who visits our Ministry Center in Kostroma.

     She told me about the day some
professional women came to her technical school in Kostroma and
promised her a new job with lots of money, clothes, and jewelry.

     Instead, they trapped
her in a rundown apartment, beat her when she asked questions, and
forced her to work in a strip club.

      Scared and
alone, Masha was terrified at what came next. “You’ll have sex
with 10 men each day,”
they told her. But before that, some men
would come to her apartment to “teach her” what to do.

    Masha managed to escape
the apartment and ran to the HopeChest Ministry Center  for help.

Our staff immediately called the authorities, and brought her to a safe
place to live.

    Fortunately, Masha avoided a
life of forced prostitution and stolen dignity, thanks to the
intervention of the HopeChest Ministry Center in Kostroma.

    My wife and I have seven
children-including two daughters from Russia-and the thought of them
being raped makes me extremely angryWhen I
heard Masha’s story I wanted to do something to protect her, like I
would protect my own children.
     I urge you to
continue praying for orphans impacted by sex trafficking.