A friend sent the following Yahoo question to me about hearing “voices at night”.
“Ok I am scared….

Some nights when I’m alone in my room..
I keep hearing voices…

When i first heard the voice, it was during my mission trip to Thailand…
The voice was laughing at me and felt like as if almost it’s mocking
at that time i had the most strongest siccor lock and felt the hands
pressuring me.

I wake up most nights at 3AM, and it’s not one of those “slowly opening
my eyes”… Its as if someone shook me and my eyes just open

I sometimes hear voices through my mind… Its not English… But i
understand one word, and its my name…”
Is it Demons? A dream? A medical disorder? A hoax?
We live in a world ruled by logic and reason.  As a species we have spent our existence explaining the world around us.  Our advancements and understanding of science has done a sufficient job of doing it.  Using demons as any kind of explanation is surely an antiquated answer.
But what if I told you I’ve experienced demons waking me up in the night.  Do you believe me?   Am I crazy?   It’s happened to me more than once, but the most intense was when I was on The World Race in India.  India’s spiritual climate is thick with noise and business.  The whole month I struggled to hear God because there was so many other things going on.  One night I was having this really twisted dream when my team mate woke up short of breath and absolutely terrified of a sickening dream she was having. She woke all of us up and I immediately felt the evil presence in the room.  We all started praying and ordered the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus, and after a few seconds I felt the calm and peace of the Holy Spirit. 
it’s so easy to pass of the spiritual world by explaining it as a coincidence, or a bad dream.  But that’s what the enemy wants you to believe.  If no one recognizes it for what it is, then he has free reign to continue to haunt, torment, and wreak havoc unnoticed.  The spiritual realm is incredibly active, but we have power and authority over it through Jesus Christ.