So it’s getting to that point where we have grown accustomed to our living conditions; cold bucket showers, squattie potties, and rice and beans are all a part of life.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t dream of things from home.  So here is my list of the TOP 25 THINGS I CAN’T WAIT TO GET HOME FOR:
1. Spinach
2. My nieces (and new nephew)
3. Whole Foods Markets
4. More than 5 outfits
5. Hummus
6. Dating
7. My Roommates (ALL OF THEM!)
8. Cottage Cheese
9. Getting rid of my Chaco tan line on my feet
10. Cooking-WITHOUT oil!
11. Dressing up and being “girlie”
12. Not being stared at everywhere I go
13. Brunch at Chez Zee’s
14. Cascade Yogurt
15. Being able to walk around town by myself
16. Doing my hair
17. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
18. Going to Ma Lega (Spanish Tapas Bar)
19. Understanding the language
20. Seeing ALL my family and friends!
21. Reliable Internet connection
22. Fruit and Vegetables
23. Hanging out at a trendy coffee shop just to relax
24. Working out at a gym
25. Waking up and NOT hearing roosters crowing!