I am a recent college graduate of Saint Louis University with a Bachelors of Criminology, working as a paralegal in downtown St. Louis. My mother, who is important to me, encouraged my education. As the youngest child of a single mother of five this is important because the way I was raised, and by who, was a bit different than most. My sisters and Grandparents did a lot for me growing up so they mean a lot to me now. 

I will admit, all too often, I do wonder who I would have been, had some unfortunate series of events that happened in my life had not happened… But I am learning now, that everything belongs, and all of those unfortunate events, led me here.

Currently, I am here, because I want to become the person, I think that I could have been, had my life gone a little differently. This year I will be traveling to eleven different countries in eleven months. I am sure this event will be the catalyst for that. 

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 1 Peter 5:10 NIV