I think through the whole process of preparing for this trip, the two emotions I’ve most dealt with (besides utter excitement of course :-)) have been pride and fear. A friend reminded me last night that fear is not from the Lord. It is from Satan. My mind often jumps to the spiritual realm where I see spiritual warfare going on like crazy. Satan would like nothing more than to break this thing up, to make us loose our footing, to make us doubt the decisions we’ve made about doing this trip next year. But be strong, my friends!

Last night, I was reading in Romans 4 about Abraham. It says that despite all opposition, he held onto his faith- a faith that God would do something amazing in his life. And when you look at his life, everything was against him. He and his wife were old, but God still brought them a child as he had promised. It says, “No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” Aren’t those verses so refreshing to your soul? We have the ability to be FULLY convinced in the Lord’s promise. And we have Biblical examples of him coming through for his people.  Won’t he do the same for us? Let’s hold onto his promise and not fear. Let us have faith, giving glory to Him, that he will fulfill his promises to provide for and protect our team.