Greetings from a very cold, wintery day in Chicago!
I can’t believe it is November already.  It seems like yesterday that it was July and I was dying of heat driving around in a car with no air conditioning.  But it seems as though winter has snuck up on us and I know it will be no time until Thanksgiving and Christmas come our way!  That is especially exciting as I am gearing up to leave New Years Eve Day to meet my team down in Matamoros, Mexico to begin the World Race. 
This past month has been very fruitful and busy for me as I’ve been caught up working quite a bit and getting involved with my church in Gurnee, IL.  Thank you to everyone who prayed for me as I started at Starbucks.  It was an intimidating job for me as I had no clue how to make all the drinks they have to offer.  But I’ve been catching on fast, and it has ended up being a job I really enjoy going to!  Plus, I’ve made a lot more friends by giving them the free pound of beans I earn each week. 
I have also had the chance to get involved with a small group at my church.  These girls bless my socks off and I truly appreciate their encouragement as I am only with them a short while.  I’ve also had the opportunity to be a part of an evangelistic movie group that meets bi-weekly and watches and discusses movies.  Tonight we are watching Hotel Rwanda and I am leading the discussion, so if you think about it please pray it goes very well!
Some updates on how things are going for preparations for next year: 
We found out the countries we will be going to!!
  This is very exciting for me and the rest of our team as we’ve waited to know the exact locations we will be going to since we were accepted.  Here is the “tentative” itinerary.  I only say tentative because in ministry, you never know what things can change as you go!
South Africa

China/Hong Kong
United States (LA) [debrief]
For those of you who know me, well, you can imagine my excitement when I found out our team will be returning to the same city and slum I worked in while in Nairobi, Kenya!  Lord willing, I will get to see my dear friends that I made there two years ago and rekindle our great relationship! 
Another piece of fun news is that our team has selected a name.  Since there will be several smaller teams going out, we were instructed to distinguish ourselves by picking a name that would identify us as our supporters follow our journey.  The name our team chose was ”
61.”  It comes from
Isaiah 61
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because of the LORD has anointed me to
bring the good news to the poor, he has sent
me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty
to the captives, and the opening of the prison
to those who are bound….
…For I the Lord love justice;
I hate robbery and wrong;
I will faithfully give them their recompense,
and I will make and everlasting covenant with them….
…I will greatly rejoice in the LORD;
my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation…
…For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden
causes what is sown in it to sprout up,
so the Lord will cause righteousness and praise
to sprout up before all the nations.”
I only included excerpts but I encourage you to read the whole chapter.  It really encompasses our desire as we head out to the nations next year.  We want to bring this message with us as we have hope.  God hates injustice and wrong, and he desires to clothe his people with salvation.  What an awesome picture!  We so want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves next year.  And having the name “61” will constantly remind us of our mission, and of the Father’s GREAT love for US!
*A quick update about my financial status, I am at 42% of the support I need to go next year.  Thank you to all of you who have taken a part so far and I covet your prayers that the Lord will provide the rest of the finances I need to cover this. 
Don’t forget to check out my blog and sign up for updates!  (
All my love,

Stacy Utecht