Ok guys, time to blog.


Here are a bunch of random updates because I’ve been too busy to update.


Fully Funded

About a month ago I couldn’t make the 75% goal and was just above 50%, I was worried and I even told our advisor I didn’t think I was going to be able to make it. The day my mom confirmed I was fully funded felt like such a blessing, and a testament to what the Lord can do! Thank you to everyone who helped me get here, that has been praying for me and/or gave a donation, y’all are AMAZING! 


Getting Close!

So now that I am fully funded…it’s less than a week away from training camp! I think it’s just now fully setting in that I’m going to Peru. That I’m going to be on a mission trip for a month in another country! I’ve packed and made lists, I’ve started getting ready to travel, I’ve been preparing myself to meet my teammates. But it still hasn’t felt real until today!


Ministry Details

Also a little update on what we’ll be doing in Peru!  

We’ll be working out of Lima, Peru.

The first week we’ll be working in a special needs home,

And the second week we’ll be doing children’s ministry at an orphanage,

And lastly the third week we’ll be working at another special needs home. 

I’m so excited for what the Lord is going to do on this mission!


Prayer Requests

Please be praying for my teammates and I as we enter the time where we’ll be saying goodbye to our families and our country. Please be praying for courage in each of us. Please be praying for our hearts and minds to be at peace. Please be praying for our physical and mental health. Please be praying for safe travels. Please pray for the Lord’s hand to be on this mission. Thank you all for your prayers.


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


Thanks for reading, 


God Bless!
