Howdy friends!

My team and I have been in Lima, Perú for almost a week now and we were strangers less than two weeks ago (which is really hard to believe).  It’s been an amazing time of seeing the Lord work through my team and for my team! My entire team is on fire for the Lord and we all seem to just fit together so well. 

I don’t think I can even begin to describe how amazing my team is but I’m going to do my best!!

-Adam- (or Dadam as a lot of the team calls him) 

Adam is a LOT of thing, he’s a leader, he’s humble, he has made an amazing effort to learn and use Spanish, he’s a hard worker, and just all around a really cool dude!!


Ashley is an amazing gal! She is so patient, she’s funny, she follows the Lord so closely and seems to hear so clearly. Ashley is also our translator, and an AMAZING one at that!!

-Addika- (or Addie)

Addie is wise, courageous, sweet, steadfast, and amazingly inspirational. She is a really awesome speaker and she just carries a presence of peace with her!


Eden is kind, gentle, she’s loving, she is so hardworking, she has an amazing spirit and such a heart for the Lord. She also seems to give off some grandma vibes in the best way.


Eva is prepared for anything, she’s organized, she’s fun to be around, she really makes sure that people know that she is there for them, and she loves the Lord so much!


Isaiah is strong willed, servant hearted, super fun, he has a great sense of humor and he’s courageous. He’s kind of like one of those candies thats hard on the outside and gooey on the inside!


Kaleigh has an artistic spirit, she seems to see beauty everywhere, she speaks in a way that uplifts people, she’s a kid-magnet, she’s just unique in every way!


Jordan is one of our team leaders! There is so much I could say about Jordan! She is joyful, she is present but also in tune with the Holy Spirit, she is an active listener, she is tender hearted!


Gracie is powerful, she’s bubbly, she is so sweet, she is super real, she’s bold, she’s such a fire cracker, she’s someone that you just want to be around, she’s a real bouj gal!


Madison is peaceful, she is willing, she is crazy strong in spirit and body, she is independent, she is constant. Madison just really is a Merida!


Noah is a spiritual leader, he is quick to pray, he always seems to have scripture ready, he’s a great listener, he is confidant, and really awesome. He really reminds me of a Cali boy!

-Jeremy- (J’Smoke)

Jeremy is super loyal, he’s tough, he’s humble, he is a great dancer! He’s like an onion, he has a LOT of layers, each day he’s here we get to know him better!!


Sam is also one of our team leaders! She is sweet, she’s easy to talk to, she has an a amazing hear for the Lord, and she is childlike in her spirit!


Sky is feisty, a great worshiper, she is bold, hilarious, she is faithful, she’s an amazing storyteller, she is an encourager! 

There you go, its my team! They are leaders, servants, they are fun, tender hearted, and most importantly they love the Lord and they love serving Him!!