Hi! My name is Sky Hughes and this is the start of my journey on the World Race Semesters Mission!

I first discovered The World Race on Facebook. I had seen it a couple times before but for some reason it caught my eye this time. When I started looking into it I was amazed!     

The World Race Semesters is a 1-3 month mission trip where you go on an amazing trip to a country of your choice with people you meet as you get closer and closer to your launch date. We of course will be going to a three day training camp to teach us of possible situations as well as giving us the knowledge we need to go into the field and be disciples to all the nations. Below this blog is a video that will explain it better than I ever could.

Before I get too ahead of myself I wanted to give you a little background info on  myself. I was not raised in the church much as I grew up. But in my early teen years I tried my hardest to get into a church. I found ways to go whenever I could. Fast forward a couple years, my Great Grandmother started having troubles with her health. I’m not sure exactly how everything went down, but on November 14, 2014 I lost the most amazing women in my life.

After this devastating time in my life I did NOT turn to God like i should have.  In fact, I pushed him far away. I told God daily that I hated him for everything he was putting me through. I didn’t consider myself a Christian. I had hit rock-bottom in my spiritual life. 

A few months passed and I was still in this pit, although you would have never knew. I was still getting involved in plenty of things that would label me as a Christian.  I was involved in my Church Black-Light Ministry and everything. But one day my friend was telling me about this camp she wanted to go to and she invited me. 

Even in this time of despair I still felt this pull in my heart. This deep pit that couldn’t be filled. So I went. Even though I told God daily that I hated him, he still loved me and pulled me to places that I needed to be. 

This camp was Camp Nicky. While I was here I met amazing people that have been huge blessings to my life even still. I talked to a guy named Mark who at the time was a camp counselor. This was the only year that I went that he was there but then again, God is amazing like that. Mark shared similar traits with me and told me that he knew what I was going through and he showed me that God still  loved me so much and that I was Gods child! That encounter was life changing for me. After that I started to feel like that pit was filling up. Not all the way, but a little at a time. After that, I went back to Camp Nicky every year. Three years of going to this camp and seeing these amazing works of God in other people and praying for a breakthrough, I FINALLY got it! On this third year in 2016 I officially got SAVED! God moved in me so strongly that there would never be room for me to question his existence ever again. Now I love God with everything in me and I know how important it is to share his word.

This 2019 year will be the first time I have missed a year at this camp since I started going all that time ago, only because I will hopefully be in Peru for the month sharing the gospel of Jesus and building the kingdom of God!

As I go on this journey, I can only pray that you all will do 2 things.

1. PRAY for me and my team

2. Donate- Anything helps! Even 1 dollar!

I thank you all for going on this amazing journey with me! And I hope you will all keep up with my progress on this journey. Within my next 2 posts, I should be ready to launch from Training Camp!

With all my love, Sky