Soooo for those of you who don’t know 2017-2018 are going to be some of the craziest and most challenging months of my life. In October I will be going on an 11 month mission trip through the non-profit organization Adventures in Missions called the World Race (WR). During the WR I will go to 11 different countries, spending 1 month in each country.

Currently my route includes Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay/Argentina, Cambodia, Thailand, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Uganda. This route is subject to change but as always God’s leading and the Holy Spirit will be in control. I will be doing different ministries in each country depending on the specific needs of the area. Some months I might be doing construction, others I might be teaching English or helping with children’s programs. 

This is an incredibly exciting opportunity for me but it will also be spiritually, mentally, and financially difficult. As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t do this alone; I need your help. I still have a lot I need to do to be fully prepared for everything this trip entails so I will need all the prayers, support, and encouragement that I can get.

So what are some ways you can support me and contribute to my trip?? Well spiritually I ask that you partner with me in prayer. Some specific prayer requests I have are that I stay motivated and not allow myself to be distracted during this time of preparation as well as being open to the working of the Holy Spirit in my heart. Financially, the total cost of this mission trip is $18,017 and I need to have 5,000 of that raised by July 21. At first this seems like a large amount but it covers all my travel expenses, food/lodging, and travelers insurance. I would like to ask you to consider committing to giving at least $11 a month ($1 for each country) or a one-time gift of your choosing. You can do this by clicking Here or the “Donate” button on this blog. Your support will mean the world to me!

I could not be more excited to see what the coming months will bring and I hope you’ll choose to embark on this great journey with me!