Hey guys! I hope all of you are doing well and I pray that God has been pouring His abundant graces upon you. I cannot explain how blessed I am to have the opportunity to join The World Race in Route 4 this September. I am so excited to embark on this adventure! As many of you may know from my previous blog, Taking a Leap of Faith With Your Help, I have desired to be a missionary since I was very young. God has given me several opportunities over the past ten years to grow as a missionary through serving my local community as a volunteer, serving the homeless in soup kitchens, donating to hospitals and charities, attending mission trips and retreats with my youth group, and spreading God’s word as a student. My desire to serve God and help make the world a better place intensifies with each passing day.

This previous summer I had the privilege to attend a mission trip with my youth group in Kentucky. Every morning we would wake up exhausted and sore from sleeping on a classroom floor, but we didn’t let these obstacles stand in our way. For six hours each day throughout that week we worked on clearing overgrown yards for the elderly, planting gardens for nursing homes, playing games with senior citizens, building sanctuaries for the local monastery, and paving sidewalks. Our physical exhaustion, aching bodies, and tired minds didn’t keep us from gathering together at the end of the day to praise God and celebrate our accomplishments. Serving God has given me a positive outlook on life and keeps me full of joy and love. 

After that week had ended and I returned home I felt the Lord calling me to entrust Him with a longer period time. I met a wonderful young lady at church a few months ago who introduced me to The World Race. After doing a lot of research and talking to several people about this organization I decided to give it a go. When I found out that I had been accepted into Route 4 to Costa Rica, Swaziland, and Cambodia I was thrilled but also really scared. I will be stepping into foreign countries, leaving my family and friends behind, and giving up the luxuries I am accustomed to having. Nonetheless, my willingness to go out into the world and serve God with a faithful team is stronger than ever. 

I cannot wait to see what God has in store for me and how I will grow in my faith. I hope you will prayerfully consider joining me in my mission by praying for me and donating to my trip. 

“Go and make disciples of all nations” – Matthew 28:19