So for those of you who don’t know I applied to Adventures in Missions for a 3 month mission trip, and got accepted!! I was praying and praying for God to show me what my next step was and this just fell into my lap. Before I launched on my trip I had to go through a training camp with all the other students going. So I left for Georgia on Thursday, January 24. I met the rest of my team which consisted of 14 other women including my leader. The first night was a little rocky as we were all trying to learn who each other were. However, you could just see and feel God’s presence all around us. Honestly from that Thursday to Sunday is the most I had ever grown in four days. It was constant fellowship, worship, team time and just chillin with the Lord. On night two I shared something that I had never talked about with anyone to 14 complete strangers. I had several things holding me back as in went into training camp. But I had grown so tired of letting the lies of satan get to me over and over. So I told myself that for this trip I was going in hard. I was going to let go of everything I needed to in the beginning so I could see how God wanted to use me. And that is exactly what I did. As I told my team the thing I had buried deep down in side, I felt His grace wash over me as soon as the words left my lips. I felt His presence and love surround me, comforting me. I didn’t know why I was saying these things on night two but I knew the Holy Spirit would not leave me alone if I didn’t. In my surprise my team, surrounded me with not only their love but God’s love as well. Just knowing that I had a support group for the next three months that would be there for me and lead me back to God was something I had been praying for for a long time. The next few days at training camp were just as chain breaking. God was preparing my heart and mind to let go of all the baggage I thought I had released but not completely. I let God work in me however He saw fit. He removed stones from my walk way and said walk. He made my heart tender and said love. He told to me to follow Him and just say yes. 


There is no way I could write everything that happened into this one blog. Thank you all for supporting me and loving me through this season. God is good and is moving fast. I wouldn’t have been able to say yes without y’all.