Today I had my final day of ministry and said my final goodbyes to the kids in my class. It was heart-wrenching, knowing that I would never again see the smiles faces that have been the heart and soul of the last month of my life here in Peru. Looking forward to next month keeps my heart pumped full of fresh hope for what is to come. Next week marks the beginning of Month 3: Ecuador! My team will be in Huaticocha, Ecuador. It is about five hours east of Quito in the amazon region…aka the JUNGLE! It is so far in the middle of nowhere that our logistics team couldn’t find us a bus there for a few days. Seriously, that is right up my alley. We will be working with a ministry called NINAWACHI (google it)! I don’t know much about the ministry other than we will be working with the students of their Mission Institute, an organization that equips and sends out missionaries to the surrounding areas. We will also be working in the local community through church services, bible classes, etc. I could not be more excited. To go into the middle of the amazon jungle and share the love of Christ? Yes please! Even more though, to go into the middle of the amazon jungle to equip many more people to go out and share the love of Christ? I mean, come on! I am trying to go into this month without any expectations, but nonetheless, I have four expectations for the upcoming month:

I expect to be daily in awe of God’s working in my life and the lives of those around me…
I expect to see very big bugs.
I expect to come out of this month of being stranded in the jungle even more in love with my teammates.
I expect it to be very different from both of the previous two months!

I feel like these expectations are pretty realistic. 🙂 It really will be an amazing month, and I am super stoked! I really do not know what the internet conditions will be like, but I will try to keep you all as in the loop as possible (even if that means posting five blogs all at once before month 4)! Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support! It really does mean so much to me, and it makes all the difference in the world!