So it happened. I left on the adventure of a lifetime. 11 countries in 11 months. My first country, Bolivia, has already come and gone. Pieces of my heart were torn off and left with the family I made there. Will I ever see them again? I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that while making family around the world is one of the most exciting and rewarding things, it also has the potential to be the most painful experience. Afterall, God gave us many gifts, but the greatest of these is love.
As I start my second month here in Peru and look ahead towards what this month holds, I find myself wondering what love will look like here in Peru. In Bolivia, love looked like laughter, dinner around the table, and becoming part of a family. Working in schools here in Peru, love might look like the faces of little children. It might look like giggles, crayons, and ABC’s. I don’t know what love looks like here in Peru. I don’t know what love looks like next month in Ecuador. I do know, however, that love looks like so many more things that just meets the eye. What does love look like in your current situation? Where are areas where we need to stop and let love in? For you, it might not be the face of the foreign taxi driver. It might look more like the teller at your local bank or your daughter laughing in the swing-set. Whatever it looks like, take it in. Let the little things fill your heart to overflowing. Let love in. Let love win. Only then can we be love to the world around us. And, trust me, the world is dying for love.