In honor of me traveling to 11 countries in 11 months for the World Race, I am asking that each of you give $11 into my trip on 11/11!

What can $11 buy you?

  • A movie ticket
  • Dinner at Chipotle.
  • Starbucks for a friend and yourself
  • An album on iTunes

On 11/11 if my Facebook friends and blog followers donated $11 toward my World Race trip I would be halfway funded!!

Your $11 would buy:
– 6 international flights and countless bus/train/taxi/boat/bike rides. 
– 334 places for me to sleep at night.
– 1,002 meals.
– An opportunity for God to be glorified in 11 countries.
– Investing in my journey to allow God to use me in ways I can't imagine.

If you are interested in supporting me with $11 for 11/11 click HERE or send a check payable to Adventures in Missions:  PO Box 742570, Atlanta GA, 30374-2570. Make checks payable to Adventures in Missions, and do not forget to put my name (Shelby Weier-World Race) in the memo line!!!

Thanks again, for all the love, prayer, and support. Your comments make such a huge difference in this journey.

Shelby Weier