I’m sure many of us have heard the trusty saying “be careful what you pray for.” I know I can personally look back on my life and consistently see challenges in different seasons based on my prayers. This has never changed, and I’m ever grateful for God’s intricate care and grace. Needless to say, I don’t take prayers lightly. If I think it, say it, write it, or share it, I know I am inviting in situations to challenge and uplift me! So I invite you to join me in some of my prayers for this season of preparation for The World Race.

1. For health, for myself and my entire squad. That we drink enough water (no dehydration), and our bodies are blessed by the nutrients we receive in every country and on every travel day. That we have no hospital visits and even no fevers from anyone the entire year. 

2. For abandon. Not only that we can leave our ways and people in the states (knowing those relationships will still be there if they’re meant to), but that as we seek community, we create authenticity. That we come to our Father first, then one another with open arms. That we speak truth in love, dropping all pride and fear of rejection.

3. For clear communication. As many of you know, I went on a mission trip with Adventures In Missions in 2015 to India! The structure of community was mind-boggling and fantastic, and also very challenging at times. So I’m praying for clarity, kindness, and gentleness in giving and receiving feedback -encouraging and empowering words that refine our characters!

4. For all of our fundraising journeys. I’ve been doing a finance devotional, and it’s blessed my mindset tremendously. We’re all excited to ask people to partner with us, yet it can feel daunting. So for grace for ourselves, and mainly trust and praise that God provides. Always.

5. For sanctification: “to make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing.” As I’ve been preparing, I find myself very intentional about my time with God. It’s set apart in a special way. So I’m praying this for most everyone in my life-whatever season they’re in. And I’m praying this for my squad.. that our preparation is only the start of what we’re entering into with the Kingdom!


Thank you for stepping alongside me for this adventure!

I feel as though I’m on a train to unknown territory, and you all are helping me along the way. Some gave me the tickets, some are cheering from the platform, some of your words are tucked away in my day pack in a letter, and some will be along the route in surprising ways! 

I’m glad you’re here.


Shelby B. Sly