Hey! My name is Shelby Robinson.
In 2016, on a mission trip to Tanzania, I stood face to face with a culture that had little and yet had unending joy.
As many of my friends were getting engaged and starting stable careers, I knew that God had something else in mind.
As I was considering my options, a college friend shared this with me, “Jesus is worth everything you’re afraid of losing.”
As I thought about what my friend shared with me, I read scripture and prayed about what God already had planned.
As I read this passage in Luke, I remembered what God had already done in my life and was compelled to live a life of service for Him.
I began searching for opportunities to serve and share the light of Christ with the nations.
That’s when I came across The World Race.
So I decided to take that step and apply to go.
And now, here we are, day 1 of World Race training camp, preparing for 11 months of serving the Lord.
Photos taken by Shelby Scott.
Project for Storytelling Training.