This week I decided to share a blog that my teammate, Alyssa, wrote about one of our ministries here in Thailand along with some pictures that I took on the pier.
“I never thought that when I came to Thailand, that one of our main ministries would be to the Chinese. But WOW God! You have certainly been showing me just how big You really are. Thank you Father.
Our ministry here in Pattaya City involves my team and I working with a non-profit called Light for Asia. Almost every night for about 4 hours we head out to a popular tourist pier and distribute Chinese Bibles amongst the families here on vacation. There are about 10,000 Chinese tourists who receive a Chinese Bible each month through this organization. This specific ministry is one of the biggest Chinese outreach ministries in the world (insane right?).
Every night I am blown away by the reactions of some of the Chinese. There are a few different responses when they see that we are handing out Bibles in their language. Some nod their head and decline politely, others respond with mumbling under their breath, and others just walk away really quickly with a stern look on their face.
Then, there are those undeniable devote Chinese believers. The ones who just have such a hunger and thirst for God’s word. They are the ones who see the “Free Chinese Bible” sign and come running against the crowd to receive one. Many can’t stop smiling, while others have no words and are just in complete shock. Then there are the ones who just wreck you in the most beautiful way. These believers are the ones who come up to you and begin weeping with tears of joy as if this Bible is the most precious, most important, most amazing gift they have ever received in ther life.
In these moments, all I want to do is praise the Lord and hug and squeeze each of them so tight. I want to encourage them and tell them that God loves them and is with them. Yet, the more I have come to process it all, the more I have realized how privileged I am. How privileged I am to have grown up in a Christian family. How privileged I am to live in a free nation. How privileged I am to be an American.
As Americans we have the Holy Bible right at our fingertips, in any language we want, and available at anytime we want it. In fact, I have received so many Bibles from different church camps and Sunday school classes that I know I have a whole drawer full of them at home. I am not saying that this is a bad thing. In fact, it’s incredible to live in the nation that we do and I am so grateful for the life that so many have sacraficed so much for me to have, but with that said here are some of the questions I have been wrestling with this week:
What if I was from China?
What would my faith and trust in God look like if I didn’t grow up in America?
How is it that I believe in the same God, but our reactions of receiving a Bible are completely different?
If I was being persecuted for my faith like the Chinese, would I still be a Christian?
Heavy questions, I know…hang in there. So, I am not sure exactly how to answer these questions, but it has certainly got me thinking. Yes, I am privileged in all of the things that I mentioned above, but it seems that I have missed one. A really BIG one too.
I am first priviledged to be a child of God.
Most Christians in China did not grow up in a Christian family. Christians in China are persecuted for their religion. Yet, with all the odds against them they are some of the most faithful and spiritual people on the face of the earth. I believe it is because they know who they are and whose they are. Their faith in God does not rely on how privileged or comfortable their life is, it relies on who God says they are.
My challenge for us as the Church and hope for the world is that we would pick up the Bible with an awe and wonder, just like the Chinese Christians. That we would remember the gift that it truly is and how much truth, wisdom, and power it holds. My biggest prayer is that all would receive and know what it means to be a child of God first.
Please partner with me in praying for China. Pray for those Christians being persecuted for their faith. Pray for Thailand and the ministries here. Pray for an awakening for the church in America. Pray for the world. And thank the Lord for being such a loving Father.
For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:13-15, ESV
With love,
Alyssa O.”
Alyssa did such a great job at putting our experience into words.
I have loved this ministry since the first night that we went out there, I think we all have. It is such an incredible thing to be a part of and I am so thankful to have the opportunity. In three nights, almost 2,000 Bibles were passed out. Seeds are being planted. We may never know the fruit that comes out of this ministry so we must trust.
Keep praying for the ministries here and for the Chinese who are receiving these Bibles each week!
Until next time,