Wow oh wow. How in the world am I officially less than 2 weeks away from Launch?

It literally feels like yesterday I was starting the application process with the idea and notion that “this is a possibility for next year.”

And suddenly here we are in the final few days of December, with only 13 “sleeps” until I head towards Atlanta, GA for launch.


Some of you have asked me what launch is and when exactly I’ll be in our first country, and I will explain that in part 2 of this blog. But first, I wanted to share some of the thoughts swirling around in my brain.


In typical fashion, I have inherited many things from my parents. In fact, some tell me I am the “perfect combination” of them both (emphasis on perfect, right mom and dad?).

My dad, as a paramedic/reserve deputy, and my mom, as a youth minister/youth worker, have passed down a love of service to me. On numerous occasions I have had the opportunity to stand side by side with them in serving the Lord and others. In fact, just this week I was able to help my dad with our home church’s wood ministry by delivering wood to an elderly man in our community and on the same night I was able to help my mom by joining in with the youth! They both have a heart to serve others and they both have highly influenced who I am today through that. 

However, it goes a step further.

Part of my dad resides in me with this desire for adventure. I will rarely turn down an opportunity to do something a little on the daring side. And while sometimes it is good to be “fearless,” it also doesn’t hurt to be logical about some of these things. This is where my mom’s characteristics come in.

While my dad will start a project without using any sticky notes, index cards or checklists; you can be sure that my mom has written at least 3 checklists and utilized an entire pack of sticky notes or index cards.


So here I am today, two weeks from World Race launch, filled with excitement and anticipation for this great adventure that lies ahead, but also with a checklist of things I still need to do and a sticky note full of questions.


What if something happens while I’m gone?

What if I’m not good enough to go?

What if I haven’t prayed enough about this?

What if I offend someone?

What if I do something wrong?

What if someone at home dies?


If I let these thoughts and questions swirl about for any amount of time my anxiety levels are sure to elevate rather quickly.

But before my brain had the opportunity to toss these questions around again, I could hear Jesus softly exchanging my “what ifs” for “even ifs.”


Even if something happens while you’re gone, I am still here.

Even if you aren’t good enough, I am.

Even if you haven’t prayed enough, I have called you.

Even if you offend someone, I am still speaking.

Even if you do something wrong, I can make it right.

Even if someone dies, I am still enough.


When we allow Jesus to exchange our “what ifs” for “even ifs” an unexplainable peace envelopes us. Not the kind of peace that comes when all situations are perfect, but the kind where you know that even in the midst of chaos you can still have peace because you know Who holds the world.


Part of allowing Jesus to do this in our lives comes with fixing our eyes on Him. When our eyes are fixed on who He is and what He has done, we have less room to look at our inadequacies and less room to look at the things that we don’t have.


When we see that Jesus is truly enough for us, we realize that we need little else.


That is a sentence that I will be reading again and again as I attempt to pack for 11 months.


So, Shelby, what are your goals for the coming year?

Well, this year I simply plan to fix my eyes on Jesus.



“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!”    – Isaiah 26:3