I cannot tell you how many times I have sat down in an attempt to write an ending to this amazing year, but the fact is, the story doesn’t end here. Rather, it’s the turning of a page, it’s a moment to pause and reflect on the joy and even the sorrow that this year has been before being propelled into the next year. And as we pause to remember, the Lord whispers to us, “the best is yet to come.”

The fact is that any day with our Jesus is a good day even if our circumstances aren’t shouting His goodness from the mountaintops. So, I thought that in the in between, as the page is turning, I would share one of the biggest things that I have been learning throughout 2018. And it all revolves around one word:


I have never thought of myself to be a fearful person but as the year progressed, I found myself face to face with the darkness more times that I care to admit. 

Fear, in some ways, is inevitable. 

Think about it…

Fear is mentioned time and time again throughout Scripture.

“Then the Lord God called to the man, “where are you?” He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.” (Genesis 3:9-10)

“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

As the angel announces the birth of the Savior to the shepherds, “but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” (Luke 2:10)

Fear is something that humanity has struggled with since the garden. So we shouldn’t be surprised when we find ourselves struggling with it too. 

However, the thing that I’ve learned is that our road doesn’t end with the fear that we often find ourselves in.

Anytime that fear rises, we are given an alternative route: TRUST


When the feelings of fear overwhelm us, we can trust that our Father sees us right where we are.

When we are fearful that ends won’t meet at the end of the month, we can trust that our Father is our provider.

When we are fearful that the diagnosis won’t be good, we can trust that He is our healer and that He is the very one who knit us together.

When we are fearful of what the night brings, we can trust that He gives us joy in the morning.


This isn’t one of those one-time decisions, but one that we must make with every situation that arises. 

So I challenge you today, that when that fear rises in the back of your mind, that you fight it by choosing to trust instead.

I’ll still be choosing to trust in spite of the fear too.


This week I headEd to Gainesville, GA again. This time I’m here for Project Searchlight and World Race America Launch. I will reunite with a portion of the squad that I travelled with last year, as well as meet the team I will be traveling the states with this year.

As we travel the states, we will be coming alongside World Race alumni, partnering with their ministries, and living out a Matthew 10 life. As we pray and listen for the Lord, we will obey what He tells us to do. 

So as I prepare for this new season, I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me with this new journey. I truly believe that we are going to see the Lord do some incredible things in America this year.

Above all, I ask that you pray for my team as they launch January 12th and head to Asheville, NC for their first leg of the journey. They will be doing ministry with the homeless community in Asheville, as well as working alongside of our World Race alumni. 

Unfortunately, I will not be officially launching with them on the 12th. While I was in Lesotho in October of this past year, I started having some health issues. So, I am still working with doctors to figure out exactly what’s going on. As soon as these health issues clear up, I will be very excitedly joining my team wherever they are.

For me, this is the place where I am having to choose to trust. The Lord so clearly spoke World Race America to me last year, so I know that this is what He has for me. It’s easy for me to be fearful of the health things and to be fearful of missing out on the first few weeks, but I am choosing to trust.

So my challenge for us all this year is to trust despite our fears. Because no matter what kind of day or year we’ve had, our Savior is whispering, “the best is yet to come.”


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:6-7)


Can’t wait to share this journey with you!

With love,





This has been my new year jam so far.

Stronghold – Redemption Church

When my own heart condemns me, You are greater than my heart

When the fear is overwhelming, You are greater still by far

When the swells of doubt are rising, and my faiths a distant thought

Just one whisper from You Jesus overcomes shouts from the dark