On January 18th, at 12:25am, our squad landed in Jakarta, Indonesia. After more than 20 hours of airplane time, we grabbed our bags and loaded up into taxis to head to a local backpackers hostel in the city of Jakarta. 

Half of my team squished (bodys, big packs, day packs and a guitar) into a car to head to Wonderloft Hostel. When we arrived we were greeted by two smiling faces (at nearly 2am), Ferry and Kai. You could tell by their interactions that these two were basically brothers. Little did we know, they were also talented musicians. 

When we found out they were musical, we absolutely had to hear them play. From the first word to the last guitar strum we were all blown away. These two were TALENTED. These guys make up Soul Out, the international songwriting team/band, who’s mission is to spread happiness through music. 

These guys are going to be famous one day, and we will have the privilege of saying that we know them! What a cool experience!

I know you haven’t heard much of an update since I have been in Indonesia, but a new post is coming soon!

Here’s the video!