Hi! I am so happy you clicked on here! Let me tell you a little about myself ๐Ÿ™‚

1) I am 22 years old and am 5 foot tall. Tiny but mighty is what I like to say ๐Ÿ™‚

2) My personality type (according to Myers Briggs) is an ENFP. Otherwise known as “The Campaigner”  or “the free spirit”…sounds about right!! LOL! I just love to explore.

3) I am a Military Brat (both of my parents are Veterans and I am SO proud of them every day) and I grew up on an Air Force base. This might be why I have such a desire to travel! I think God has been preparing me my entire life ๐Ÿ™‚ 

4) I gave my life to Christ in 2015. Jesus completely captured my heart and I have never been the same since. He is my reason. My reason for everything that I am. I wrote a blog about my love story with Jesus and it’s call “Still His love fought for me” and I would LOVE for you to read it. 

5) The World Race will be my first mission trip ever and I am just in awe God called me to this. Man. What a love He has. I am so excited to see God show me more of who He is and how to be His best friend!!! I am so excited!!

God has been preparing me for this moment and I would love for you to join this journey of people meeting the LOVE of their life and never being the same. For such a time as THIS!