what’s up my dudes?!? my name is shekinah crouch and i am 18 years old! if you’re like most people on the planet, you probably struggled to pronounce my name when you read it in your head and then decided to just skim over it; but don’t worry, i won’t hold that against you haha. feel free to call me kai or any other nickname you think of (trust me, there is a very long list lol). i live in los angeles, ca which means i surf, only eat organic food from super expensive restaurants, live next to steven spielberg, and take my dog to nail salons. just kidding!! (you better get used to these bad jokes because they’re not going away any time soon haha) but in all seriousness, i love reading, hanging at the beach, and jamming out to taylor swift in the car. my pass times often include going to chick-fil-a and running away from oranges (yes i have a phobia of oranges. yes orange as in the fruit. yes it is very weird ??). but above all, i love Jesus and i am so beyond excited to share this journey with you!