I’m going to approach this blog in a slightly different way than other monthly recaps. When I thought about writing in the usual way I was completely unmotivated. So I have decided to write this Ecuadorian recap as a “thank you” letter to God. Here goes….
Thank you God for Ecuador!
Wow, God you spent a little more time when you made this land. Perhaps you thought of me and how it would touch my heart when you formed its green mountains. They took my breath away (at 9,000 feet that literally happened quite a few times lol).
If I could pick one place to go back to to gaze upon the beauty of your creation it would be from the top of a specific mountain just outside of Quito. This mountain is where you gave Dunamis ministry the vision to build a safe house for girls coming out of sex slavery. That land has been blessed by your tangible peace. As I gazed out over the green mountainous expanse I knew that the girls going there would have a place to have their hearts healed. I pray that it would continue in its name sake and that your dunamis power would heal these girl and redeem their futures.
Thank you for the sheep, ducks, bunnies, dogs, and puppies that live there! Thank you for the host and his family who you have given to take care of it all.
You fulfilled my dream of playing in a cloud while there. I was walking down the road and saw it rolling in and crossing the road. I ran into it and in that moment you reminded me of that forgotten heart’s desire from years ago. Wow, you are good! On top of that, I got to pet a baby cow! He nuzzled his head into my hand. I felt so special.
Thank you for the road leading to this land that my team and I were able to repair so that the girls and the resources to help them can arrive safely and easily.
Thank you for my four days in this heaven.
Thank you for my squad debrief time in Baños. You brought me Carson to guide me in inner healing and I feel so much closer to you now. You promised to be my defender and I believe you.
Thank you for bringing my World Race coaches Kieth and Karen from Illinois. You spoke through them to tell me that I am “the bride of my kinsman redeemer” (like Ruth). They were giving blessings to all 25 of us and I was so nervous that all of the good blessings would be gone by the time they called my name but God you had the right words to melt my heart and draw me closer to your love.
Thank you for the little things like Venezuelan style arepas for dinner and frozen chocolate covered bananas with peanuts for dessert!
Thank you for the big adventure of exploring the Amazon. For the traditional village where I got my face painted, blew a traditional blow dart, and held a parrot and an insanely energetic monkey (I finally got to see a monkey)! I loved riding down the river in a canoe, swinging over the side of a mountain, and visiting a water fall.
Thank you for my second ministry host at Isaiah 61 Ministies. Thank you for letting us build relationships with the kiddos at the neighborhood elementary school. I loved teaching them English and playing with them (especially soccer and jump rope!). They were so much fun. I pray that they and their families would come to know your love Jesus.
Thank you for our host family who lived below us. They treated us so well and in response to our compliment they said they were just treating us like how they would treat Jesus. Wow, teach me how to love like that. Thank you for their faith in you. Thank you for their testimony that when their dog died and the next day they got in a car accident they trusted you and praised you through the hard times.
Thank you for allowing me to be in the rural mountains again for my ministry placement. Thank you for the forest just down the hill where we got to explore a river. Thank you for the dog Toby greeting us every time we went into the yard, the cows next door, the pack of goats that would randomly go through the yard eating all the plants, the horses down the street, the dogs at the school gate (even their evil doppelgangers lol), the one lama I saw using the sidewalk to run down the street, wheelbarrows that double as bon fire pits, s’mores, Disney classics VHSs, couches, hot water showers, homemade popcorn, and playing Rummicube every night with my team!
God, thank you for the blessing that was month 9 in Ecuador!
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth”
Psalm 19:1-4
Fundraising Update: We have officially raised $18,038! Only $562 to go until I’m fully funded! Thank you all so so much!!!!
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1. The most important, PRAY. Prayers are so needed and appreciated!
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