Hello everyone!

I first heard about the World Race through my roommate and friend Laney Culp. It sounded amazing because it combined my favorite things (Jesus, helping people, spreading the kingdom of God, and travel/adventure). I quickly dismissed this as being something that was too good to be true. A few months later, Laney brought up how she had applied for the World Race. I was a little jealous but I thought it wasn’t where God was taking me. I wasn’t called to the nations, or so I thought.

I continued hearing Laney speak about the World Race and I found that I had developed this restlessness in my spirit that I couldn’t shake. I needed a change; to do something new. One night, after speaking with a member of my home church, I felt such peace about applying for the the World Race. So I went home and did it.

Shortly after, I was accepted to World Race and I was ecstatic! However, I couldn’t shake this fear that it was just me wanting to go and not God calling me to go. I needed the truth, “God, is this your will? I need you to speak clearly to me.” I felt like he responded, “You will be used to do great and mighty things,” and “You will see my hand move mightily upon the earth.” Ummm, wow God… did you just say that?

Later that night, I was writing the “About Me” section for this blog and I was trying to explain why I felt called to the World Race. The earlier conversation with God was still swirling in my head and I felt like God was inviting me to “Go!” I began writing and it was as if God was writing an invitation for me through me. I was simply writing and was amazed at what was coming out.

Here is what He said to me through my post, “Go and love the least of these. Go and be my witness to the ends of the earth. Go and see the body of Christ move in all the world. Go and see me stretch out my mighty hand to heal and perform signs and wonders.”

Well, after such an amazing invitation from the Lord, I have decided to “Go!” I am moving forward with confidence that this is what the Lord has called me to do for the next season of my life. He is so very good to me.

I look forward to sharing with all of you this amazing adventure God is taking me on  🙂