Dear Post-Race Shannon,

 It’s the first day of Launch.
I’m in a hotel room in Atlanta, getting ready for some World Race Training.
[Freaking out.]
And I thought about you.

 I’m excited to meet you in 11 months.
I wonder if I’ll recognize you.
[I wonder if anyone will.]

 You probably have a lot of really great stories and pictures to share.
I bet you can hold a conversation with anyone, and make connections with people based on shared global experiences.
I’m sure you’ve seen the sights and had the adventures and checked off dozens of “Things to See Before You Die” on those Buzzfeed quizzes.


But I’m most interested in your character.
Who have you become?


I hope that when I meet you, you’ve challenged yourself, and let others challenge you too.
I hope that when I meet you, you’ve been uncomfortable, and grown from it.
I hope that when I meet you, you’ve had your heart broken for the people of the world.
I hope that when I meet you, you’ve seen miracles and shared the love of God. [preferably more than you’ve shared that Buzzfeed quiz]


I hope that when I meet you, we’re not the same.


This journey that I’m about to take, that you’ve already been on, is supposed to change my life.
And I’m sure it will.
It will alter the course that I’ve planned, and shift the direction that I thought I was moving in.
My future decisions will be based on this experience, the connections I make through it, and the interests that are peaked by it.


But I hope it changes more than my life.
I hope it changes me. 


I hope that you are more than I am.

More faithful.
More forgiving.
More generous.
More loving.
More patient.
More kind.
More understanding.
More bold.
More courageous.
More trusting.
More expectant.
More purposeful.
More sure.
More knowledgeable.
More wise.
More accountable.
More prayerful.
More reliable.
More adaptable.
More humble.


I’m nervous about what people will think when I come home.
Will they still like me?
Will they remember me?
Will they approve of what I’ve been doing?
Will they regret supporting me or be glad they did?
Will my pictures and stories be enough for them? 

But you?
I’m sure you don’t worry about that stuff.
You’re worried about whether you did your Father’s work.
You’re hoping that you pleased the One who loves you most.
Your worth is based not on how others feel about you, but in who God says you are.

 I’m afraid. And I’m excited.

I’m beyond indebted to the people who have supported me, and I hope I make them proud.
I hope I make you proud.
I hope I make my Abba proud.

This past year changed you.
I’m excited for it to change me too.
Can’t wait to meet you in 11 months!


Pre-Race Shannon


I met my 2nd deadline of $10,000
[I have checks that haven’t cleared yet…that’s why the bar on top looks different!]

So Yay!

I have two more deadlines and just about $5000 to go to be fully funded.

If you’re interested in being a part of this year with me, please click the Support Me link at the top.

If you want it to be more fun than that, you can Adopt A Block!
You pick a numbered square, donate the amount listed in the square (so if you pick square 10, donate $10, etc.), then let me know which number you picked so I can color it in!
When the whole thing is full, I will be FULLY FUNDED! WOO!

Thanks for all your support so far!!