If you haven’t already heard, all world race, gap year, and semesters were sent back to the US because of the virus. 

I have been in the states since March 17th, and am still adjusting from the shock of ending the Race three months early with three day notice. Some days are better than others. Some days are really hard. But a solid take-a-way from the world race is that life is ministry and ministry is life. 

I am taking it easy, processing, resting, and taking advantage of the community I have while God opens the doors for what is next.

Thank you to everyone that has been a part of this process from prayers, to funds, to support, to a joyful spirit. God knew this season was meant for so much good, and it was indeed. 

If you want to keep up with me and what God and I are up to, subscribe to my youtube channel where I will continue to vlog as long as I am able to. 

Here is the final World Race video: