What is the number one argument against Christianity? It isn’t evil, although it has caused me to question my faith more than anything else on this race. It’s hypocrisy.

Do you know how many American’s claim to be Christians? 76.5%. Actually, that’s down by almost 10% since 1990. But look around you. How many do you think are actually Christian?

Here are the arguments and rebuttals:
1. If a Christian is morally redeemed, then why do they still sin?
Christianity claims moral redemption, not moral perfection.
2. If a Christian is morally redeemed, then why do some still commit the same sin?
Christians are morally redeemed, but this does not mean they are not still inclined to sin. They are still human. We have to assume that they are struggling, making small steps in the right direction.
3. If a Christian is morally redeemed, why do some morally regress?
Those who claim to be Christian yet morally regress are fooling themselves. They are not Christians.

I said the prayer when I was four years old. I know from there I went on to do some pretty awful things. I certainly morally regressed. I certainly did not behave like a Christian. I lived two lives; I put up a facade. Sound familiar? I suspect there are many people like me, so I’ll leave this up to you blog readers to offer your opinions.

Don’t get me wrong, I know I am a Christian now, but do you think I was for the period of time when I gave my life to sin? Was I even before that? Was this transformation immediate or slow over a length of time?