Hello again Dear Supporters,

I have been working in the AIM office the past month in the World Race department. It has been great to be able to read all of the stories on the blogs of people currently on the race. Every day as I read these stories I find myself thinking “Seth, there’s only two more months until you’ll be doing this. Just hang in there.” It’s not that the work I’m doing is terrible; it’s just that I am so thoroughly looking forward to going on the World Race.

God is giving me a heart for the poor and especially orphans. There have been many stories written about orphans in the AIDS plagued Swaziland. There is a story about ninety-five of these orphans that I will paraphrase. AIDS is taking out the strong and leaving the weak in Swaziland (the most HIV/AIDS infected country in the world). The old are stuck with the young after their parents die off. These ninety-five are being raised by a few “go-gos” (grandmothers). Occasionally they get the privilege of a meal; they live in a shack made of sticks and sleep mostly on the ground. Because there are only a few go-gos, the orphans are starving for physical touch.

This is precisely what the Bible speaks of when it tells us to care for the orphans and the widows. The World Racers have gone into this “orphanage” and loved them, fed them, and clothed them. They are working on a building to house them and other plans are being made.

This is what you are sending me out to do. So far eleven of you have offered financial support or prayer. I am praying that an additional twenty of you will offer support before I leave on August 31st. Please consider being one of these.

Here is some information about how you can invest in God’s kingdom and my future (all donations are tax-deductible):


1. Go to sethbarnesjr.theworldrace.org

2. Click on the
Support Me option (in red) on the left

3. Fill out the necessary information


1. Make Check Payable to Adventures In Missions

2. Fill out yellow card (included)

3. Stick them both in the envelope (also included)

4. Slap a stamp on the envelope and put it in the mail

Monthly option:

If you would like to make a monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or otherwise contribution, please email me at [email protected].


I need to raise $13,000 for the trip. Please consider making a contribution. You can keep up to date on my life by reading my blog (which I plan to begin writing in frequently beginning this month): sethbarnesjr.theworldrace.org. God bless you all!

Seth Jr.