Have you ever seen Wall-E? Great movie! There’s a line in it that I absolutely love. It’s near the end of the movie and there’s a struggle between a robotic ‘Autopilot’ of the space-ship and the captain. At the apex of the wrestling match the robot says that everyone must stay on the ship to survive. To which the captain shouts back, “I don’t want to survive, I want to live!”

I met this family in Nicaragua and helped them take a tiny step past survival to life. Life is so hard for them, yet they are full of smiles, are exceedingly generous givers, love well and are well behaved.

Frank Burder, one of my good friends that I met working on staff with AIM in Nicaragua, sent me this video recently.

*Side note: Nicaraguans have a hard time pronouncing the th part of my name, so I went by Sergio.