So there’s a blond, a brunette, and a redhead. They just robbed a bank and are running from the police. Rounding a corner they enter an ally. With no time to turn back, they quickly jump inside three potato sacks sitting at the end of it. The policemen turn the corner and see only the potato sacks sitting against the wall. One policeman walks up to a potato sack (the redhead) and pokes it – “Meow.”

“Oh, it’s just some kittens,” the policeman says. He pokes the next potato sack – “Ruff! Ruff!” the brunette barks.

“Oh, it’s just some puppies,” the policeman says. He pokes the last potato sack. “P-O-T-A-T-O,” the blond says slowly.

Have you ever thought about why you laugh at what you laugh at? I was thinking about this, as I periodically do, this afternoon when I laughed at something entirely forgettable. I was trying to remember the three theories, although at the time I thought there were four, that answer this question. They are presented by Dr. James Spiegel in his book

How To Be Good in a World Gone Bad.

The above joke would best represent the theory of incongruity. The defender of this theory, Immanuel Kant, says in
Critique of Judgment, “Whatever is to arouse lively, convulsive laughter must contain something absurd.” It is absurd that the blond girl (I always imagine they’re girls, but I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter) thought she could get away by saying P-O-T-A-T-O slowly.

A second theory, defended by Thomas Hobbes, is the superiority theory. Hobbes says in
Leviathan “Laughter is a kind of sudden glory.” This theory explains why it is so hysterical when, as a child, your mother spills water all over herself. She is suddenly humbled and you feel great joy from it.

The third theory, relief, comes from Sigmund Freud. Here, laughter is just letting out the emotional buildup inside of you. This theory explains why you laughed when you were playing hide and seek with Sally and she walked right in front of you, but didn’t notice.

So now when someone asks you why you laugh at them when they come out wearing a stunning suit, with bright orange flip-flops, you can just say P-O-T-A-T-O.

(The men in the picture are installing posts to prevent illegal parking)

Today’s recommended song: Daniel Johnston – “Walking the Cow”