I apologize… these blogs are not nearly as consistent as I’d like for them to be. Here’s just a quick update on what’s been happening.
Yesterday I spent half the day trying to get the best deal on a goat. After hours of bike rides, running and walking all over town and outside of town, our neighbors had the best deal. $32.50 for a decently sized goat if you were curious. This was an activity that had been building over the past couple of weeks. I’ve been trying to think of ways to stretch the guys to become more manly. Two attributes of good man are a spirit of violence (which should only be accompanied with discernment) and ability to romance. So, in an effort to bring these more to life in the guys, I had them kill a goat, skin it and prepare the meat for a Valentine’s Day feast – to be served to the women. We marinated the meat all night and  began cooking the next morning.
Men littered the kitchen clumsily cooking and fumbling over vegetables. We decorated three tables under the shade with table cloths and flowers and then prayed over the women. Each of the six of us – six including Baker, my long lost friend – said a prayer and proceeded to serve the rest of our team their meal of goat meat, platenos, ensalada, and tortillas. The meat was pretty tough, but very tasty.
All in all, it was a great success. Perhaps we’ll go for round two in April and use a different tactics all around.
I hope you all are well and enjoying your Valentine’s Day as well as the team and I are!